Welcome to
St Hilda’s
Island Bay
Anglican Church
Salt and Light to our Community
When we gather
Sunday 10am
Thursday 10.15am (traditional)
Morning Prayer 7.15am (Tuesday online and Fridays at church)
Contact Us
We would love to connect with you.
Take a moment to reach out to us and someone from our team will get back to you as soon as we can. Or visit us on a Thursday/Sunday
Why we gather
We believe that gathering together in faith is an essential part of a healthy life and we encourage others to join us in this
Please note: we share combined services with local churches typically in the middle weekend of school holidays and for three weeks following Christmas. We meet at 9.30am Christmas Day. For up to date info please contact us and/or subscribe to our weekly newsletter.
Who we are
Mark Henderwood – Priest in Charge
Michael Hartfield – Priest Assistant
Athena Richmond – Bishop’s Warden
Irene Studman – People’s Warden
Jonathan Cutts – Administration
Janene Cutts – Administration
Carolyn Hawkes
Stephen Sandford
What we are like
- We practise traditional Anglican elements with contemporary engagement.
- We are a welcoming church who value visitors.
- We encourage participation and discussion alongside our teaching.
- We believe in good morning teas.
- We run a kids program that honours our young ones.
- We enjoy some variation in our musical worship.
- We offer communion at Thursday and Sunday services
- We believe that gathering as locals provides a much richer experience than travelling across town for church.
- We encourage engagement in the community.
- We run a kids play group Tuesday & Friday 10am-12pm
- We support missional development work
- We support the Diocese values:
We are disciples; We are family;
We prioritise the Biblical call to the last, the lost and the least.
Why we gather
We believe that gathering together in faith is an essential part of a healthy life and we encourage others to join us in this.
In gathering, our common ground is based on our faith and our local neighbourhood. Local diversity and unity are important elements for us.
We believe that Christianity is not individualistic, rather that it is a community of believers sharing in each other’s lives.
At their very core, church gatherings are not events held so that we can consume spiritual content. Church gatherings are an essential means of grace and community whereby believers worship and are enabled to live as best we can in faith.
St Hilda’s Island Bay Anglican Church
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion?
Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life.
I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”
Matthew 11:28 Message Version